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About us (IAEG Bangladesh National Group)

IAEG is established in 1964 &affiliated to the International Union of Geological Sciences (IUGS), a global scientific society with more than 5,000 members and 50+ national groups. IAEG Bangladesh National Group will represent the interests of Engineering Geology and Environment in Bangladesh to build up a strong professional network of Engineering Geologists and willing to support the aims of the IAEG to attain the following objectives according to IAEG statutes and by laws.

Aims & Objectives:

  • (i) To promote Engineering Geological, Geohazards and Environmental activities and research in and applied geo-sciences and their practical applications to solve the realworld problems of national welfare in Bangladesh.
  • (ii) To disseminate scientific knowledge among the people and geo-professionals.
  • (iii) To educate and teaching of engineering geology in Bangladesh.
  • (iii) To publish engineering geological, geohazards & environment related
  • (iii) To publish engineering geological, geohazards & environment related conference proceedings.journals papers, memoirs, transactions and other publications on engineering geology,environment and other closely related disciplines.
  • (iv) To hold conferences, training, symposia, seminars, workshops, lectures etc. on geological engineering geo-hazards and environment related topics of national and international importance either alone or in collaboration with local or international organizations and institutions.
  • (v) To establish academic and research centers and maintain scientific libraries, laboratories and museums and to organize geological engineering and environment related fairs in different academic institutions to attract young generations in this profession to face the new challenges of planet earth.
  • (vi) To provide grants, scholarships and fellowships for approved geological engineering, geo-hazards and environment research and award prizes and medals for outstanding scientific work.
  • (vii) To undertake such scientific work of national and international importance as the National Group may be called upon to perform by the public and by the Government, and to advise the Government on scientific matters of national importance.
  • (viii) To act as the leading geological engineering, geo-hazards and environment related scientific organization of the engineering geologists in Bangladesh and to represent internationally the geological engineering community of the country.
  • (ix) To obtain and administer funds, donations, endowments and grants for the promotion and development of geological engineering geohazards and environment Science in Bangladesh and for the attainment of the aims and objectives of the IAEG.
  • (x) To act as the recognized body of “The International Association For Engineering Geology and The Enviornment (IAEG”).
  • (xi) To do and perform all other acts, matters and things that may assist in or conduce to,or be necessary for the fulfillment of the above mentioned aims and objectives of the IAEG.
  • (xii) To raise funds by means of subscription of members or otherwise for all the purposes and objectives of the Organisation in such amounts and in such manner as may be authorized by the Executive Committee.

Mission and Vision

The mission of IAEG Bangladesh National Group is to foster the Engineering Geology, Geohazards and Environment study in Bangladesh in accordance with IAEG statutes and by laws. IAEG_Bangladesh National Group is a leading geological engineering, geo-hazards and environment related scientific and Professional organization of the engineering geologists in Bangladesh and to represent internationally the geological engineering community of the country. Our vision is that the IAEG Bangladesh National Group will work with IAEG and other geo-professional societies and organizations nationally and worldwide to facilitate initiatives that strengthen the engineering geology and environment discipline. A world in which the risk to human life and to the built environment caused by geological interaction is appropriately managed and reduced.